
Eggers- Patient Support Officers at Risk:

Eggers- Patient Support Officers at Risk:

Back to Conference 2014 - Abstracts

Simone Eggers
May 20, 2014 04:07pm
Patient Support Officers at Risk: A continuous improvement cycle from audit to re-audit of patient handling performance (399)
Simone Eggers 1 Matthew Flood 1 Patricia Donovan 1

  1. Queensland Health, 60 High Street, Southport, QLD, Australia
Porterage Project: Large scale patient handling performance audit conducted with high risk work group (Porterage). 56 observations recorded over 10 days, across 3 campuses and over all 3 shifts. We created a specific audit tool and used internal and external auditors. Identified risks were assessed. Other concerns and barriers were highlighted to Management. Corresponding risks to nursing workforce were assessed.  Their concerns and barriers also identified. Collaboration around recommendations carried out. Re-audit 12 months later.  Results and improvements will be discussed with reference to incident and work cover data pre and post-audit